Konopná bielkovina

Hemp protein

Pôsobí na: rast svalov a cvičenie

Konopná bielkovina sa produkuje z rovnakej rastliny ako marihuana, ale neobsahuje omamné zložky. Bielkovinový komponent tejto rastliny sa javí ako obľúbený doplnok stravy, ale ešte nie sú zistené nejaké jeho jedinečné vlastnosti (v porovnaní s inými doplnkami bielkovín).


Podobne ako iné bielkovinové doplnky, aj konopná bielkovina sa dávkuje s ohľadom na stanovené ciele. Všeobecné odporučenie je nasledovné: atlét, alebo veľmi aktívny človek pokúšajúci sa odbúrať telesný tuk ale zachovať svalovú hmotu potrebuje denne prijať 1,5-2,2 g/kg telesnej hmotnosti.
Prevažne sediacemu človeku, ktorý sa nepokúša zmeniť zloženie svojho tela postačuje dávka 0,8 g/kg telesnej hmotnosti.
Ak sa denná dávka dosiahne prostredníctvom stravy, nie je potrebné užívanie doplnkov. Obézny ľudia by sa nemali držať týchto odporúčaných dávok, pretože prepočet na telesnú hmotnosť by vyústil do veľmi vysokých dávok. V akom prípade sa denná dávka počíta podľa hmotnosti, ktorú chce daná osoba dosiahnuť.

Medicínske upozornenie!


  1. Rodriguez-Leyva D, Pierce GN. The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseedNutr Metab (Lond). (2010)
  2. House JD, Neufeld J, Leson G. Evaluating the quality of protein from hemp seed (Cannabis sativa L.) products through the use of the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score methodJ Agric Food Chem. (2010)
  3. Ross SA, et al. GC-MS analysis of the total delta9-THC content of both drug- and fiber-type cannabis seedsJ Anal Toxicol. (2000)
  4. Holler JM, et al. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol content of commercially available hemp productsJ Anal Toxicol. (2008)
  5. Chen T, et al. The isolation and identification of two compounds with predominant radical scavenging activity in hempseed (seed of Cannabis sativa L.)Food Chem. (2012)
  6. Luo J, et al. Extract from Fructus cannabis activating calcineurin improved learning and memory in mice with chemical drug-induced dysmnesiaActa Pharmacol Sin. (2003)
  7. Hempseed as a nutritional resource: An overview.
  8. Takeda S, et al. Cannabidiolic acid, a major cannabinoid in fiber-type cannabis, is an inhibitor of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell migrationToxicol Lett. (2012)
  9. Chen T, et al. Cannabisin B induces autophagic cell death by inhibiting the AKT/mTOR pathway and S phase cell cycle arrest in HepG2 cellsFood Chem. (2013)
  10. The nutritive value of hemp meal for ruminants.
  11. Silversides FG, Lefrançois MR. The effect of feeding hemp seed meal to laying hensBr Poult Sci. (2005)
  12. Characterization, amino acid composition and in vitro digestibility of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) proteins.
  13. Girgih AT, Udenigwe CC, Aluko RE. Reverse-phase HPLC Separation of Hemp Seed (Cannabis sativa L.) Protein Hydrolysate Produced Peptide Fractions with Enhanced Antioxidant CapacityPlant Foods Hum Nutr. (2013)
  14. Bisogno T, et al. Molecular targets for cannabidiol and its synthetic analogues: effect on vanilloid VR1 receptors and on the cellular uptake and enzymatic hydrolysis of anandamideBr J Pharmacol. (2001)
  15. Thomas A, et al. Cannabidiol displays unexpectedly high potency as an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists in vitroBr J Pharmacol. (2007)
  16. Saberivand A, et al. The effects of Cannabis sativa L. seed (hempseed) in the ovariectomized rat model of menopauseMethods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. (2010)
  17. Prociuk MA, et al. Cholesterol-induced stimulation of platelet aggregation is prevented by a hempseed-enriched dietCan J Physiol Pharmacol. (2008)
  18. Richard MN, et al. Dietary hempseed reduces platelet aggregationJ Thromb Haemost. (2007)
  19. Simopoulos AP. The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseasesExp Biol Med (Maywood). (2008)
  20. Schwab US, et al. Effects of hempseed and flaxseed oils on the profile of serum lipids, serum total and lipoprotein lipid concentrations and haemostatic factorsEur J Nutr. (2006)
  21. Kaul N, et al. A comparison of fish oil, flaxseed oil and hempseed oil supplementation on selected parameters of cardiovascular health in healthy volunteersJ Am Coll Nutr. (2008)
  22. Takeda S, et al. Cannabidiolic acid as a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory component in cannabisDrug Metab Dispos. (2008)
  23. Callaway J, et al. Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitisJ Dermatolog Treat. (2005)